School Dinners
School dinners are cooked on site from fresh ingredients by Caterlink, and the cost is currently £2.95 per meal.
Payment for school meals is via an online facility run by Caterlink. When your child joins the school, we will send you the login details and username for your child.
Universal Free School Meals for Years R, 1 and 2
If your child is in Years R, 1 or 2 they will be entitled to free school meals. All you have to do is complete the registration form below and return it to school as soon as possible. It is important to sign up for free school meals as registering could raise extra funding for our school from central government, which can fund valuable support like extra tuition, learning assistants or after school clubs.
Even if you don’t want your child to receive a free meal, we would encourage you to register for free school meals so that our school receives as much funding as possible!
Free School Meals
We encourage all parents who are eligible, to claim for Free School Meals. It is important for the school that all parents who are entitled, do claim, as we are given extra funding to support additional activities for children on free school meals - for example, trips and out of school activities. We will only receive this funding if parents actually claim their FSM entitlement.
For further details on eligibility and to apply online, please see the Bedford Borough website using the link:
Packed Lunches
If you are looking for ideas on what to include in your child's packed lunch, here is a link to some great ideas from the NHS: