Governor News - Academic Year 2016/17
Autumn Term 2016
Two new members have recently joined the Governing body; Adam Bijster joins us as a Parent Governor and Amanda Quince joins us as the Governor nominated by Renhold Parish Council. Our thanks go to them for putting themselves forward for membership of the body - being a Governor can at times be quite onerous but is also very rewarding and worthwhile. We are now once again up to full strength.
This term we have had several meetings of both the full Governing body and also the Finance and Personnel Committee. At these meetings we have been looking at the usual items, such as reviewing policies, receiving the Headteacher’s report and analysing the school’s performance over the previous academic year, but much of our time has been spent planning for the changes necessary to become a Primary school. As you can imagine there is much to consider and very soon we will have a Year 5 class at the school for the first time! As the school grows in size it is vital that we maintain the current ethos which runs throughout the school and this is very much on our minds as we make decisions for the future.
During the term Governors have carried out school visits to look how literacy is being delivered across the whole school and also to check that the school’s safeguarding practice is sound. Governors have also attended all of the school activities including the fabulous I Sing pop concert and the various Christmas performances. Very well done to all of the children and staff who put in such a fantastic effort with these shows.
Spring Term 2017
As well as our usual meetings of the various committees, much of the work of the Governing body this term has been concerned with the school’s transition to full primary status. This September will see the addition of a Year 5 class for the first time. The Governor involvement has included meetings with the contractors to discuss the building of the new classroom block, the remodelling of the front area of the school site and the IT provision. We have also held meetings to discuss the finance aspects of the transition including new staff, classroom equipment and resources. A Governor was also on the interview panel for the new members of the teaching staff.
Governors also attended the maths homework workshop and conducted several visits to the school focusing on sport provision and the safeguarding of the children. In addition to the above, Governors have attended training courses run by the Borough; these courses covered means of assessing the school’s performance, setting the school’s budget and safeguarding.
Much of our focus for next term will be on the recruitment of a new Headteacher. Although Mrs Ferguson isn’t retiring until the end of the year, it is time to start the ball rolling. A panel of Governors has been established who will run the process. It is hoped that by the end of the summer term the recruitment will have been completed.
I would like to wish you all a very enjoyable Easter holiday!
Summer Term 2017
Much of the time at the regular meetings of the various committees and the full governing body this term has been taken up with the many issues concerning the transition to Primary School status. With the new classroom block now taking shape all of the planning is now becoming a reality.
The main governor visit to the school was a day spent monitoring the teaching of maths in a couple of classes and our governor with responsibilities for safeguarding was involved in an external safeguarding audit that was carried out to ensure that we are taking good care of the pupils. Governors were also involved in various events throughout the term including the sports day and summer fayre - well done to all of those responsible for making these events so successful.
A governor was also involved in the recruitment of the new teacher who will cover for Mrs Comb as she starts her maternity leave - we wish Mrs Comb good luck in the birth of her twins! We would also like to congratulate Miss Williams on the birth of her daughter and look forward to welcoming her back to the school in the new year.
This term, governors have also been on several training courses provided by the Borough. These courses enable the governors to keep on top of the latest legislation and also ensure that we are able to provide the correct strategic leadership and accountability of what happens in the school. Courses attended this term include looking at Ofsted requirements; training in British Values and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development; Early Years provision; HR requirements for schools and Headteacher appraisal.
One of our longstanding governors is stepping down at the end of this term - Jeremy Evans has served on the body for many years including a period as the Chair. We would like to thank him for his excellent service to the school - he deserves a break!
As you all know Mrs Ferguson is retiring at the end of this year and one of the most (maybe the most!) important role of the governing body is the appointment of the Headteacher. A panel of governors spent a great deal of time this term in arranging and carrying out the selection process and, as I am sure you are aware, this culminated in the appointment of Mrs Ward as the new Headteacher from January. We would like to wish Mrs Ward all the best as the school grows from a Lower to a Primary and we will support her fully in this very demanding role.
We would like to wish all staff, pupils and parents/carers a fantastic summer break and look forward to a new academic year as a Primary School.