A very warm welcome to the
Reception Class Page
2023-2024 Class Information
Our teacher is Mrs. Moulam
Our Class Teaching Assistants are Mrs. Ram and Mrs. Woods.
This webpage is a snapshot of what we do in the Reception Class at Renhold V.C. Primary School.
If you would like to see more please book an appointment to see us in
action by emailing or telephoning (01234) 771724
If you are looking for a school place for the next academic year we are holding
an Open Week in November.
Meet the Reception Class Staff
We are very lucky to have two rooms within our Reception Unit. The Main Classroom and the Quiet Room. The main classroom has a roomy teaching space, maths, snack, creative, construction and role play areas. The Quiet Room has our writing, puzzle, music and book areas. We also have our Outdoor Area which the children have access to during their ‘Cool Time’ Choosing Their Own Learning Time. We also have our own cloakroom and toilets within the Reception Unit.
Please click on the link below to see what we will be learning each half term.
Our Curriculum
Our P.E days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Weather depending, we may use our hall inside or our outside playground/field, so please make sure your child has full P.E kit in their PE bag to keep on their peg. Children should arrive to school on P.E days in their school uniform, and will get changed for PE in school. This promotes independence when dressing which is a key life skill, as well as an extra opportunity to develop their fine motor skills through the practice of using buttons/ zips and laces etc. PE kits will be sent home at the end of each half term, when dirty or more regularly upon request.
Library time is on Friday afternoons and this is when children will have a chance to change their library book. Please ensure that your child has their library book with them in order to change their book.
Please make sure your child has their book bag every day. The children really enjoy bringing home their artwork and library book. Later in the year children will bring home sounds to practise and in time a school reading book to share with you at home.
Please do not hesitate to contact a member of staff on the gate, or through the school office if you have any worries or concerns. Alternatively please contact the class teacher Class Dojo.
We hope that you and your child will soon settle in and feel happy and confident in being part of our school. We understand that school can be an overwhelming place for a new Reception child, so this page of our website will hopefully give you as much information as you need to help your child settle in and feel comfortable.
School Readiness:
In Reception Class we encourage children to be as independent as they possibly can, developing an array of skills throughout the year. In order to give your child the best possible start from September we encourage parents to think about how to prepare their child ready for school.
At Renhold, we consider school readiness to be:
- Can use the toilet independently.
- Can recognise their own name.
- Able to eat independently (ideally using a knife and fork).
- Can write the initial sound of their name, if not their whole name.
- Can dress themselves as independently as possible, e.g putting on coats, shoes and socks etc.
Links to Ready to Learn leaflets are available on our parents page for extra support if needed or additional can be found on our Pre-school class page.
Home Learning Mats to explore across the Reception Class year
New Parents Presentation and Virtual Tour Videos
Policies and Home Visit Information
Our Curriculum
Early Reading and Mathematics
In phonics, we use the Read Write Inc scheme. The children get used to the Read Write Inc style of learning phonics very quickly and each sound is taught in a similar way. The children follow a series of activities within each session which helps them to embed their learning and recap previously learnt sounds. They particularly enjoy the fun ways of praising each other and themselves; it really does bring their learning of reading to life and brings smiles to everyone's faces. Fred the frog also makes regular appearances throughout phonics sessions and we use him to help break down words in their sounds. As Fred can only speak in 'Fred talk' and not in words, the children use Fred to help segment words into their individual sounds before blending them back together to form words. Please note that children learn all sounds from Sound Sets 1 and 2 whilst in Reception. They move on to learning alternative sounds from Sound Set 3 in Year 1.
In Reception, children are expected to be able to read and spell to first 45 High Frequency Words by the end of the Reception year. If children are able to master these confidently, we are then able to move them on to other words from within the first 100 HFWs.
In number work we use White Rose. This is a learning scheme designed to reinforce the learning of maths skills through physical tasks, including skills such as addition, subtraction, shape, pattern and measure as well as developing a higher level of thinking through early reasoning skills.
Twice a half term we share a learning leaflet, designed to inform parents and carers of the learning that is going to be happening throughout the half term, and then a round up and celebration of the achievements that have been made over the weeks. This way you can talk to them about their time at school. Each child has their own ‘Learning Journal’. This is for everyone to share their achievements while in Reception. We all add to this- the children, you and the teachers. It shows the levels your child is working at in relation to the Early Years Foundation Stage and has examples of their activities and achievements. We share this with you every half term. We will have a time for you to come in and share this with your child or you may take it home to share with other members of your family.
Resources to support our Phonic development
50 things has just launched in Bedfordshire.
It helps parents develop their home learning environment so that far more children thrive by the age of five. As a result, more children develop the skills, language and resilience needed in school and beyond.
The initiative is based on the simple notion that access to life-changing, fun, low or no-cost experiences with your family, indoors and outdoors, is a great way to support young children’s development.
The app is free to download and gives you a range of low or no cost activities to get involved in across our local area. You can download it from the app store, or scan the QR code above!
It's perfect for the summer holidays!!
You can find out more on the Facebook page
Parent Newsletters - 2023- 24
Parent Presentations
What do we get up to in Reception Class?