Class 5
Welcome to Class 5's Homepage
Your teacher is Mrs Tfifha
Your teaching assistant is Ms Hill
General Housekeeping
Class 5 PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. PE kit should be worn to and from school on these days to prevent the need for changing. Please make sure that tracksuits are worn in cold weather and that children have suitable trainers which support their ankles. Long hair must be tied up, earrings will need to be removed or taped up and nails must be kept short to avoid injury to themselves or other pupils during practical sessions.
Homework will be set via Purple Mash, Times Tables Rock Stars or SATS Companion on a Monday and should be completed by the following Monday. Children will write their homework in their planner (Year 5&6) or a note will be sent home giving details of the homework set, plus your teacher will update Class Dojo with a homework message each week. If you cannot access any of these online platforms, you will need to inform your child’s teacher who will arrange for them to complete their homework in school on their class' ‘Homework Club’ day. On this day, technology will be available for children to complete their homework in school.
Each week, children will learn a new spelling rule during our Read, Write Inc, spelling sessions. The children will receive their individual spellings each week on a Monday and will be tested on these the following Monday.
Times tables:
It is essential that children practise their times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars. This will need to be recorded in their planner. When on Times Tables Rock Stars, children will see that they have been set 20 minutes worth of "Garage" games to be completed over the week from Monday morning to Sunday evening. Children can choose to complete 1, 2 or 3 minute games. Once a game is completed the time will be deducted from the 20 minutes and this will be visible on your child's homepage.
The children are expected to read their school reading book every day for at least 15 minutes. This will need to be recorded in their planner. When your child has completed their book they have the responsibility to tell their class teacher and or TA, who will then allow them to change their reading book. Children will have regular opportunities to change their reading books at our mini library in between Class 5 and 6 in the Upper Key Stage 2 block.
Please see our book list below for 2024/2025:
Our topic this half term is:
Being Me in My World
Topic overview for Autumn 1
Age- appropriate texts
Across the whole of Renhold Primary School, we encourage the reading of age-appropriate class texts to inspire the imagination of the children and to create high quality writing opportunities. All books that we have chosen are recommended by literary persons, who deem them age-appropriate.
In Years 5 and 6, this can sometimes mean that some language within chosen texts needs further explanation to the children. As teachers, we would explain the use and appropriateness of some language we come across in our texts to allow the children to understand why it has been used and in which context it is meant.