Curriculum Statement
Through our broad and ambitious curriculum at Renhold VC Primary, to ensure that all pupils flourish and achieve, we provide a rich and varied range of highly engaging and memorable learning opportunities that develop a love of learning across all curriculum areas. First and foremost, our curriculum is child-centred so that learning is relevant to all our pupils. Our curriculum represents the whole of our learning community and provides a wide range of opportunities for our pupils to be able to relate to their learning experiences and apply them in the wider world.
We make creative links between and across subjects to promote the development of thinking skills and positive learning behaviours, enabling our children to be resilient, independent and motivated learners. Lessons and activities are designed to motivate, challenge and engage children willingly and actively in their learning, to view mistakes as helpful learning experiences and to not set limits on themselves.
At Renhold, we have whole school topics. Every class’ curriculum is based around the same topic title. Within these topics, our subjects have been sequenced so learning continually builds upon itself as the children move through the year groups. It is sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge so that pupils know more, can do more and remember more.
We follow the guidelines set out in the National Curriculum and the Early Years foundation stage statutory framework. We use the Read Write Inc Scheme for teaching phonics and spelling. For mathematics we use White Rose Maths.
As a school that maintains high expectations, we make use of a range of information to monitor children's progress closely to ensure children make good progress and to adapt future teaching and learning to their needs.
For more detailed information relating to specific subject areas and Year Group plans. Please follow the links below.
Reporting and Assessment
At Renhold, we believe that by working closely with our families and keeping them informed about their children’s progress and attainment, we can support all of our children to achieve their potential.
The law for maintained schools dictates that parents should receive one annual report for their child which includes information about their achievements, general progress and attendance. At Renhold, we far exceed this expectation as parents receive termly updates on their child. This includes two brief reports (Autumn and Spring) and one detailed report (Summer). In addition to this we hold two parent-teacher consultations (Autumn and Spring) with the option of a third one in the Summer term.
Information which feeds into the reports comes from assessments. These take a variety of forms. At the end of each unit of work, teachers assess the progress that each child has made against National Curriculum Objectives. Children are also assessed termly in reading, writing and maths. The main form of assessment, however, is less formal and is called Assessment for Learning (AfL). This happens in every lesson and in a variety of ways. High quality feedback and the use of self-assessment and peer-assessment are key features of AfL. These enable teachers to adjust their teaching to ensure that all children are appropriately challenged.
The school has an open-door policy so that parents can discuss their child’s progress at any point during the year.