Class 4
Welcome to Class 4's Homepage
Your Teacher is Miss Shankland.
Your Teaching Assistant is Mrs Canale.
General Housekeeping
Class 4 PE days are Monday and Wednesday. PE kit should be worn to and from school on these days to prevent the need for changing. Please make sure that tracksuits are worn in cold weather and that children have suitable trainers that support their ankles. Long hair must be tied up, earrings will need to be removed or taped up and nails must be kept short to avoid injury to themselves or other pupils during practical sessions.
Homework will be set via Timestable Rockstars on a Friday and should be completed by the following Friday. Homework in year 4 will mainly consist of timestable practise due to the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC).
If you cannot access any of these online platforms, you will need to inform your child’s teacher asap who will arrange for them to complete their homework in school on their classes ‘Homework Club’ day. On this day, technology will be available for children to complete their homework in school.
It is essential that children practice their timetables regularly. By the end of year 4, children need to be able to confidently and fluently recall their timestables up to 12 x 12. During the summer term the majority of the class will take part in the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) which is statutory for primary schools in the 2024/2025 academic year.
Children are also asked to complete a MTC quiz on Purple Mash weekly.
In addition to daily practice as part of our maths lessons, class 4 will have a weekly challenge using TT Rockstars and regular paper based timestable challenges throughout the week.
Each week, children will learn a new spelling rule during our Read, Write Inc, spelling sessions. The children receive their individual spellings each week from their Read Write Inc teacher and will be tested on these the following week at the beginning of a new spelling rule. Children will be rewarded with a dojo point for full marks on their spelling test (and an extra golden token if they beat their personal best score). Children will receive a new set of spellings on a Monday and will be tested the following Monday.
The children are expected to read their school reading book every day for at least 15 minutes. This will need to be recorded in their planner. When your child has completed their book, they have the responsibility to tell their class teacher, who will then allow them to change their reading book. Children will have regular opportunities to change their reading books. No library books will be available initially.
Our topic this half term is:
Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Healthy World