Class 1
Welcome to Class 1's Homepage
Class Teachers: Mrs P Whitmore and Mrs K Comb
Our topic this half term is:
Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Healthy World
Year 1 Spring 1 overview
General Housekeeping
In order to support your child with their learning we ask that you hear them read daily. Home- school reading books will be changed regularly. A brief note of how they are doing should be made in their reading record. However, if you have a particular concern about your child's learning, please come in and talk to us so that we can address this as soon as possible.
In year 1 we ask that children read for 10 minutes daily and log into Numbots for at least 10 minutes a week.
Children come into school dressed in their PE kit. Our PE days are Mondays and Fridays. Please make sure your child has a tracksuit or something similar for when the weather gets colder.
We do not encourage bringing toys to school as this can cause distress if they become lost or broken.
Please ensure that you provide your child with everything they need for the week:
- A book bag every day - containing a reading book, reading record, any word or spelling activities that might have been sent home.
- coat - every day
- water bottle (named)
Contacting us
Please contact us via Dojo if you have any questions or concerns (Mrs Comb- Monday and Tuesday, Mrs Whitmore- Wednesday, Thursday and Friday). We will get back to you as soon as we can. Any letters or payments also need to be handed in straight to the office. Please do not put them into your child's book bag as they may not get checked daily.