Late/Absence Procedures
Absences due to sickness/medical appointments
We welcome prompt notification of absences - on the morning of the first day that the child is ill. Notification can be by telephone via a message on the pupil absence line, by email to or via the Arbor Parent Portal/App, stating the child's name, year group and reason for absence. If an explanation is not provided, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised, and will be marked as such in the register and on the child's report.
For absences due to vomiting or diarrhoea, children may not return to school until 48 hours has passed since the last episode of vomiting/diarrhoea. (Health Protection Agency April 2010).
Please let us know in advance if your child will be absent due to a medical appointment and provide a copy of the appointment letter.
Requests for Absence during term time
If your child is taking part in a family holiday during school time, an Absence Request Form must be completed. The Headteacher must be asked for permission to take the child out of school. We do encourage parents to take their children away during official school holidays, as work covered by the class during absences cannot usually be redone individually. It is not possible for staff to set work to be covered during absences due to parental holidays. Children often find absences in term time disruptive and upsetting both in terms of friendships and missed work.
Please note that cheap holidays in term time are NOT considered a valid reason for authorising holidays.