In the Moment Planning in Pre-School
Our planning model in Pre-School is referred to as ‘In the moment planning’. This is an approach to teaching and learning which ensures the child remain at the centre of their own development. Here at Renhold Pre-School we always endeavour to individualise learning and we have adopted this approach to ensure this.
One of the key features of this model of teaching is that it ensures parents can be much more involved and aware of what their child is experiencing on a daily basis. Each week a number of children will become ‘Focus children’. This simply means we will be tailoring our continued provision to the interests of those children. These interests will then stimulate the learning of all of the other pupils in the environment and expand the interest further as well as allow peers to explore potentially new areas of learning. All children will have at least one focus week per half term. Whenever a child is not the focus child, they will still be fully monitored and engaged in the learning experiences provided but will be encouraged to explore the interests of others. During their focus week the setting will reflect their own interests.
At the end of your child’s focus week, all information and observations gathered will be written and placed into your child’s learning journal. This will provide for clear next steps in learning and further establish a firm understanding of your child’s learning and development.